The Kenmore Rugby Club is excited to announce the return of Fall Youth & Flag rugby beginning on Saturday, September 18th.
Our Fall season will run from 10:00 to 11:30am each Saturday morning between September 18, and October 30 at Lincoln Park. We are planning game days with our friends at CNY Youth Rugby and the Buffalo Rugby Cliub Youth program this season, so it promises to be our most exciting fall yet.
Our Youth & Flag rugby program is open to all boys and girls in grades K-8 and no experience is necessary. Players in middle school grades 6-8 will have the opportunity to learn tackle rugby skills. All of our coaches are USA Rugby certified and the club provides all necessary equipment. The cost for the season is $50, players new to the club will receive a team shirt. Registration for our Fall 2021 season will open on Monday, September 6. For more information, visit our Facebook page or email us at